Before I begin, I want to share that I was on the verge of panic when trying to export my white paper. Upon exporting, InDesign crashed; and then when I attempted to recover it, the last four pages had NO CONTENT. The pages existed, but everything on them seemed to be corrupted or invisible (yes the layer was unhidden). Exporting the file anyway would leave those pages blank. I was afraid that I would spend hours trying to rewrite and re-add that lost content.
But, after frantically searching Google for answers, it turns out that if you save the document as an IDML file, your content will be saved albeit crammed into the upper-left corners of the corrupted pages. That was no biggie for me, because I was extremely relieved that I had my content back, and moving the stuff back to their rough original locations did not take long. The lesson learned here is: ALWAYS backup your files, because you never know what kind of tomfoolery InDesign will pull on you at the last minute!
Switching gears, this blog post is about my white paper: The Attention Tax and How to Resist Big Tech’s Agenda. It is written like a manifesto, highlighting the threats that tech companies such as Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Google are imposing on our attention and our ability to contribute meaningful work to the world through their disruptive algorithms and exploitation of our behaviors.
Click on the link below to access the full PDF file. I hope you enjoy the reading.